Category: Uncategorized

  • Membership

    Membership dues: Individual           $15 per year Family                $20 per year Business            $20 per year Lifetime            $120 for individual/family Lifetime            $150 for business Dues are payable in February each year. We fluctuate between 80 and 100 individual/family memberships and over 100 business members each year. MBA is a member of the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce…

  • Committees

    Committees Awards Reception This committee is responsible for selecting the date of the Annual Awards Reception, planning the location, helping with the program and other activities related to the event. Beautification Awards This committee is responsible for selecting the recipients of the annual beautification awards which are presented to individual homeowners and businesses at the…

  • MBA To Erect 67 Foot Mural

    PRESS RELEASE Macomb Beautiful Association Barb Knox – President P. O. Box 183, Macomb, IL 61455 309-837-6427 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, March 1, 2021 MBA TO ERECT 67 FOOT MURAL  (Macomb, IL) – To commemorate its 50th anniversary Macomb Beautiful Association (MBA) is planning a mural for the residents and visitors of the City…